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Seri says :

Seri Mas Nurwani

HI THERE. My name is seri mas nurwani! i'm 25 and married to my ♥: Faliq Esa. gosh i'm his wifey now:P

feel free to browse and read my blog. all written here is my personal opinion and story about my daily life and my wedding journey.don't get bored and enjoy! hehe

say hi? email me at and let's be friend:)

Been Married :

My Vendors List

Outfit(Bride+Groom) : Qudyn Aziz
Make Up : Hazlie Hamzah
Handbouquet : Hazlie Hamzah
Official Photographer : MadeByEpik
Dais : Saiful Design

Outfit (Bride) : Unaisah Azlan
Make Up : Hazlie Hamzah
Official Photographer : MadeByEpik

Outfit (Bride+Groom) : Qudyn Aziz
Make Up : Deq Sha
Handbouquet : Hazlie Hamzah
Official Photographer : MadeByEpik
Dais : Saiful Design
Accessories : Saiful Design

History of Good&Bad

August 25, 2010

Sahur pertama

sebagai 25:)

ulung-ulung kalinya bersahur dengan juadah (wah juadah gitu.haha) yang disediakan encik tunang tersayang setelah 15 hari berpuasa. biasanya just minum air. orang bujang yang malas.hoho

ehem ehem.nak buat ucapan skit.hehe:p

tq sayang. susah-susah aje sediakan sahur untuk budak malas birthday ni.siap susun cantik2, sahur u pun u beli bungkus aje. u sangat comel berdiri depan rumah i nyanyi happy birthday sambil pegang mangkuk. patut bukak pintu terus pegang kamera.hiks:p

ok itu aje untuk masa sekarang. sekian terima kasih♥


rosealley said...

chooo shweeeet

dd dudu said...


kul bape masa tu? seb baik seri bangun bukak pintu, hik2

Siti Mas Hidayu said...

hahahaha tgh cube bayang kan faliq bawak mangkuk itu...kuikuikui...happy Birthday Seri ^_^

nurul azida ahmad said...

muahaha. smbl nyanyi..sweeettttnya. hehehe


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